Scotland is the “home of my soul.” It’s where, in February 2002, I began the journey to reclaim my health. It was passion that first took me there. But it was training to become a modern-day warrior – someone who rescues themselves by unleashing the power within – that kept me going back for the next five years. I refer to these years as my Jane, the Apprentice period. You can read about my six-year adventure in Part I of You Heal You: Inspirational & Miraculous Healing Stories of 18 Modern Day Warriors.
February 2022. I woke up one morning knowing I was to return to my beloved Scotland. I had a specific place and time in mind. Four months later I was on my way to Inverness – the Scottish Highlands – having no idea why I was called back after a 14-year absence. With the way it started, I suspected something mystical to happen.
On my first full day in Scotland, I visited a local pottery shop in Findhorn. There was a collection of ceramic wall hangings – all faces in trees. I stopped in my tracks. Huh? Trees had faces? A couple of days later, I joined my new Scottish friend as she walked her dogs near the River Findhorn. Walking back to the car, she wonders how many trees dance at night. Huh? What a coincidence she brings up trees after my fascination was piqued at the pottery shop. And didn’t some trees do that in the movie, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers? Later I visited the famous spiritual community, Findhorn Foundation. I settle on a bench outside their café. Right in front of me was a majestic tree. I see a face in the tree. Then two faces. Seriously?! I was officially into woo-woo territory. (What I call unexplained, supernatural occurrences beyond my ordinary experience to which I whisper, “woo!”) What are the odds I kept getting woo-woo signs? I get still, take a deep breath, and listen. I hear “Welcome Home, Jane.”
I have yet to decode the coincidences. I do know I was meant to go to Scotland and this city girl left there with a new connection to trees. Nine months later, I’m looking for faces in Chicago trees, have scheduled a return trip, and have a strong hunch I am once again Jane, the Apprentice – Part Deux. Stay tuned.
What about you? Do you see any faces in the photo below?